Rebreather Diving

Rebreather Books and Materials; Diving Rebreathers w/ Knowledge Quest, Rebreathers Simplified, CCR Trimix Simplified, CCR Cave 'Almost Simplified' by Dr. Mel Clark, IANTD Tek CCR Dive Manual by Tom Mount. Also, CCR Pre-Dive Essential Dive Preparation Verification Check List, and CCR Skills Sheet Set Check List, Confined and OW

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Open Circuit Etiquette with Closed Circuit Divers

Rebreather Diver on Boat

If you are an open circuit diver, it is becoming increasingly common to find yourself on a boat with a rebreather diver; or perhaps you may even get assigned a rebreather diver as a buddy. Like you, the rebreather diver has been trained to do a few minutes of setup and checks on their equipment before they dive. Often, another diver will approach and begin asking questions at just this moment. The rebreather diver really would like to talk about their equipment and answer questions, but part of their training included a reminder to avoid becoming distracted during their checks. Help them out by waiting until you see their setup is completed. If you are assigned a rebreather diver as a buddy, they will need to have a brief safety protocol discussion with you as there are some differences from your open circuit training.